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  Ten Health Benefits of vitamin C Vitamin C commonly referred to as ascorbic acid is an important nutrient that has a wide variety of uses in the body. This fat soluble vitamin is available in different fruits and vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, bell peppers among others. Here are ten significant health benefits of vitamin C: 1. Immune System Support: Vitamin C is commonly recognized as the nutrient that boosts up the immune system. It enhances white blood cells to fight diseases in the body. Besides, it assists these cells to work more efficiently and also shields them from destruction by free radicals. 2. Antioxidant Protection: Another advantage of vitamin C that is quite popular is that it is an antioxidant. It acts as an antioxidant which means it combats free radicals which are notorious for destroying cells and contributing to chronic diseases and aging. Vitamin C on the other hand has the ability to reduce oxidative stress and therefore the body is shielded from cell
Health Benefits of Chia Seeds Though, chia seeds are tiny, yet they are rich in nutrients and widely used in the current society particularly in the fitness world. Originally from the Central and South America, those seeds were an integral part of the diet of ancient Aztecs and Mayas who appreciated their capacity to supply slow-wave energy. Chia seeds are now acknowledged for their numerous health-promoting properties, which has placed them among the specialties called the ‘super foods.’ You May Also like  Health Line Signals Nutritional Powerhouse The benefits of chia seeds may be summarized in the fact that they contain all the nutrients needed by the body even though they are tiny seeds. They contain a good amount of what nutritional food constituents; dietary fiber, proteins, good fats which include omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds are known to provide the following nutritional values for one ounce, or about 28 grams: Calories – 137; Fiber – 11g; Protein – 4g

Health benefits of Almonds

Health benefits of Almonds The almonds are scientifically known under the name Prunes Dulles and are seen to be very nutritional and healthy. They belong to the tree nuts group, which originated in the Middle East and South Asia, although they are grown in other countries now. A source of a variety of nutrients, almonds have been consumed for many decades and up to now, recorded to have multiple health benefits. Nutritional Profile of Almonds are enriched in carbohydrates, proteins, and good fats; they are part of carbohydrate-counting foods. A one-ounce (28 grams) serving of almonds provides approximately:   Calories:  160  Protein: 6 grams  Fat: 14 grams manufactured mostly of mono unsaturated fats. Carbohydrates: 6 grams of which 3. 5 grams is fiber. Vitamins and minerals: Almonds contain large proportions of vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. I have chosen the health benefits that are backed up with research benefits by difficult them out in a tabular form. 1. Heart Hea

Australians Foods

Australian Foods Australia is a country where diverse geographical and ethnical factors coexist and the same relates to its food and gastronomy. Thus, Australian cuisine is diverse as the country’s population and is based on indigenous peoples’ experience, British colonization, as well as Eastern and Mediterranean immigration. These have brought about this fusion of recipes, which has brought out a new Australian gourmet cuisine. Indigenous Australian Foods The Indigenous Australians’ contact with the Australian land can be estimated to be tens of thousands of years, so they have developed extensive knowledge of the local flora and fauna. Bush tucker refers to the traditional Indigenous food and some of the options comprise kangaroo, emu, and crocodile, and there are also numerous plants, such as wattle seed, finger lime, and macadamia nut. Besides being the nutritional value, these ingredients have cultural and spiritual values as well. The addition of bush foods in Australian cuisine

Best Foods in Norway

Best Foods in Norway As splendid as Norwegian sceneries and histories are, the country also has a rich and quite varied food culture. Reflecting the climate, geographical position, and the tendencies in agriculture, Norwegian cuisine has become an interesting and rather exotic combination of tasty, however rather coarse dishes. Here we discover some of the tastiest Norwegian foods that give you an authentic feel of the country’s tradition. 1. Rakfisk Rakfisk is a processed fish, organically produced either from trout or char whose plan is to be aired for some months before being sold in the market. Fish is buried in salt and left to cure for several months it has rather sharp taste which Norwegians seem to like. Normally consumed in slices with flat breads, potatoes, sour cream and onions, rakfisk finds its place most during the Christmas season. Due to the distinct taste and a rather unconventional method of cooking, it would be a great choice for all lovers of Norwegian cuisine. You

Top 10 Most HARMFUL Foods People Keep EATING

Top 10 Most Harmful Foods People Keep Eating  While seeking these factors the populace takes meals which are unhealthy to them without being aware of it. The following are the ten most dangerous foods commonly consumed by people, and, arguably, they may not have the full knowledge of the harm they are causing. 1. Sugary Drinks Carbonated soft drinks, fruit juice, energy drinks are full of imposed sugars that cause obesity, Type II diabetes and heart diseases. There is very little or no nutritional value, so they result to provision of energy in the form of calories, which if taken in large proportions, lead to overweight. This results in increased blood sugar since the sugar content is very high, and in the long-run, the body becomes resistant to insulin. You May Also like Health line 2. Processed Meats Standard hamburger, bacon, sausages, hot dog, almost all deli meats including ham beef are either high in unhealthy fats, sodium, or contain preservatives like nitrates. Processed meats