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Ten Health Benefits of vitamin C

Vitamin C commonly referred to as ascorbic acid is an important nutrient that has a wide variety of uses in the body. This fat soluble vitamin is available in different fruits and vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, bell peppers among others.

Here are ten significant health benefits of vitamin C:

1. Immune System Support:

Vitamin C is commonly recognized as the nutrient that boosts up the immune system. It enhances white blood cells to fight diseases in the body. Besides, it assists these cells to work more efficiently and also shields them from destruction by free radicals.

2. Antioxidant Protection:

Another advantage of vitamin C that is quite popular is that it is an antioxidant. It acts as an antioxidant which means it combats free radicals which are notorious for destroying cells and contributing to chronic diseases and aging. Vitamin C on the other hand has the ability to reduce oxidative stress and therefore the body is shielded from cellular damage.

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3. Collagen Synthesis:

Collagen is a protein that is responsible for the skin, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments, and vitamin C is required for the formation of collagen. Vitamin C is important in the process of healing of wounds and plays a role in healthy skin.

4. Improved Iron Absorption:

This is because vitamin C increases the absorption of non-heme iron, a type of iron mostly found in plant based foods from the gut. This may also be useful in reducing incidence of iron deficiency anemia particularly among persons with restricted access to heme iron.

Health Line Signals

5. Cardiovascular Health:

It has been found that vitamin C has the potential to prevent heart diseases. It is also useful in the maintenance of blood vessels’ health and may decrease risks of contracting cardiovascular diseases due to reduction in blood pressure and levels of LDL cholesterol, known as the ‘bad’ cholesterol.

6. Eye Health:

The suggested roles of vitamin C include protection of the eyes from oxidative stress that may affect its functionality. There are several health benefits associated with the consumption of the fruit including lowering the probability of cataracts and AMD that may cause poor vision and even blindness.

7. Skin Health:

Apart from stimulating collagen production, vitamin C also has a function of defending the skin from the effect of ultraviolet radiation. It may also minimize the lines on the skin’s surface and enhance skin elasticity as well as promote the production of new skin cells. It also assists in the management of skin darkening spot and generally it assists to lighten the skin.

8. Cognitive Function:

Vitamin C is used in the body, and it is believed that those people get enough of this vitamin, they tend to be more intelligent and do not suffer from any cognitive impairment. Vitamin C also has the capability of preventing free radical formation that damages brain cells leading to diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

9. Wound Healing:

Since it is involved in synthesizing collagen, vitamin C is important when it comes to wound healing. It stimulates regeneration of new tissue and blood vessels and promotes healing of injuries and of surgical operations.

10. Mood Regulation:

It has been suggested that there are relations between intake of such vitamins as vitamin C and one’s mood and/ or well-banners. If one takes a close look at vitamin C deficiency, the symptoms include irritability and fatigue. The same studies have indicated that vitamin C may be useful for the prevention of depression and anxieties due to its favorable effects on neurotransmitter action and anti-oxidation mechanisms in the brain.

In conclusion, vitamin C is a nutrient that is very essential in the body and plays a number of functions. A role in the immune, antioxidants, collagen formation, aid iron plate absorption, cardiovascular, eye and skin health is making it important. Therefore, besides administration of vitamin C in huge quantities, it is always advisable to eat foods rich in vitamin C to boost the body health.


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